Guess-The-Rescore #24 – Searching and Epilogue

We’ve come to the end – the end of the film and the end of this advent calendar. Below you find the answer to the rescore riddle. I hope you had fun and enjoyed listening to the music even if you didn’t find out or don’t know the film at all. I had a great time composing and learned a lot from this project. Today’s music takes you through the epilogue scenes where Taki wanders through Tokyo, not knowing what to look for, but also feeling lost and deprived of something important in his life. “Searching” ends with news on the TV about the Itomori catastrophe and we as the audience learn that Mitsuha has actually succeeded. It’s a “Can it really be?” moment. “Epilogue Pt. 1” accompanies Mitsuha and Taki going about their lives until their paths cross at 1:40 and suddenly it’s all about finding her no matter what. The short, tender moment in “Epilogue Pt. 2” is when they finally meet in real life on the stairs and Taki asks her if it’s possible that he has met her before. This ends this wonderful, inspiring film.

Stay tuned for some awesome End Credits during christmas holidays!

How it works: Based on the music and on small hints that I include in this blogpost series, you can try and guess what movie is being rescored. And yes, this is just for your entertainment, there’s no money to be won. Whether or not you know the movie it should be fun to guess what’s going on in the scenes that you’re going to hear. I won’t confirm or deny anything in order to keep it exciting for everyone as long as possible. Resolution will be on December 24th. (At the time this series starts I’m still in the process of composing (though already done with it) which means the final versions might be slightly different, as some polishing and mastering will occur afterwards.)

Now here’s today’s music. It’s three tracks because I miscalculated the sync points when I started this advent calendar. 🙂 Enjoy listening!

#24 – Searching
#25 – Epilogue Pt. 1
#26 – Epilogue Pt. 2
The film that has been rescored is “Your Name” (2016) by Makoto Shinkai.
Thanks for listening & Merry Christmas!


Don’t miss the soon-to-be-posted scene-by-scene videos for this project! If you enjoyed the music, please retweet, like, share and write your feedback. Thank you!

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